Saturday, August 11, 2012

Umm... Hello?

Well, yes.  Hi there.  I think.  If people read this.  Ty seems to really like doing it... so I thought I'd give it a try.  If you haven't looked into hers and somehow fell into this...  You should look at hers first:

It'll explain our background better than I might be able to.  It's missing a few very minor details that I may cover along our... ... journey?  Is that the right word?  Maybe...

I'll give you a quick rundown though.  Basically, my wife and son are being targeted by the people they ran away from when they were both young.  They both came from similar circumstances and came into my life on Earth.  Maybe I came into theirs.  Not sure.  Well, yeah... close enough.  Since they're being targeted, we decided to move to a new world, one where we can hide.  I'm still scared they're going to be found, but it seems innocent enough here.  Leo's making it a bit more difficult than we had planned, but he's just a child and everything is new, and often scary to him, but he is slowly learning just like we are.

Now onto today...  It was a true adventure today.  I love our son more than anything, but Ty is better at being with him and understanding than I am.  But, we were both more focused on her today...  She was sick...  She never gets sick.  Ever.  I was scared, again... but...  We got through it, and I'm hoping she's better... at least, her fever is gone.  I still didn't want her getting up though.

To keep Leo distracted when she was sleeping, I took him downstairs to continue chatting with Damien...  However, our little monster decided to be just that, a monster...  At first, it seemed he was trying to act like Damien, and it was the most embarrassing event yet with him (besides the 'PUPPY' incident).  But, our guest seemed okay with it and started to play along for a while but quickly gave up again as Leo started switching to other monsters and started to practically destroy the basement.  All I can say, at least he wasn't destroying the rest of the house...  Much.  I gotta work on that a bit before Ty starts to explore.

I think at one point, he even started to act like the ghost from the ice cream truck.  I tried to explain it to him that his friend was a ghost like that as well and they shouldn't be made fun of like that.  They really were great people...  It didn't work too well though... but he did stop.  For a while.  He won't be making fun of his new friend, which I am grateful for.   And after that, he went back to Damien...  I'm just so happy we have an understanding friend...  At one point, I may have even seen a bit of a smile... but, I could be wrong.  It does make me happy to think that we are helping him... even if it's not much.  I just hope Leo doesn't scare him off... Doubtful, but a possibility.

I think Leo is wanting ice cream now though... he's been hinting at it for a while after his games.  He kind of wants to try again... just not with the ice cream truck.  I'll go see if Ty will be okay here by herself.  On second thought... ice cream probably isn't good right before bed.  Oh well... he was a helpful monster today...

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