First of all, I'm starting to get nervous about a few things. I'm going to have to start looking for a job soon... I always knew it, but the fact Ty is working now when the man didn't want me to help makes me a bit nervous about finding a job for myself. I'm going to start looking tomorrow. I may ahve to bring Leo with me though... I don't know if Ty is going out tomorrow or not.
Second of all, why did he want Ty...? That makes me uncomfortable, but nothing seems to have been... uncalled for... if you understand what I mean. I'm sure she'd tell me if anything like that happened. He wa sjust acting weird. Maybe I'm over protective. Probably both.
Lastly, I think I'm going out tomorrow morning to... feed. Please don't ask. It's dangerous for me to be around my own family if it goes too far though. It's getting near that line. I was going to tell Ty today, but... the job issue came up. I'll tell her tomorrow. She'll understand, but I just hope she doesn't worry too much about it. Though, I have a feeling there aren't many people like me here. There are 'monsters', for lack of a better word, the word used on Earth. But we haven't seen any of them yet... Granted, there are ghosts and werewolf-esque and shadow-people. So maybe...
Anyway... I lost track of what I was going say.
Leo seems a bit scared about Gracie still... though, part of me is wondering if he's just scared of the storm again and that's where he's putting the fear. The storm clouds are still coming and going, but we haven't gotten anymore rainbow-storms or real water yet.
I'm looking at Ty now though and she's seeming lonely. I'm going to go snuggle with her now and maybe get her opinion on things... Leo's luckily already in bed, we've finally gotten a schedule for him... with no ice cream involved.
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